Friday, June 20, 2008

Scattered Thoughts

I feel myself wanting to write...but don't have anything particularly fabulous to write about...
I am feeling very unmotivated today while I sit here. I find myself getting lost in thought. Getting lost in memories, in current situations, and the place that some day I will find myself in. Some of these are happy, however, I have not had much of a smile today. I am working on it. (I seem to find myself saying that a lot lately. I'm working on it. )
The other day I was walking to my car from work on my way to class, as I opened the door from the office a rush of wind hit me and I was filled with the aroma of flowers, I wanted to just stand there for a minute and soak it in, but did not have the time. Different flowers that blended together to make a wonderful smell of spring. I love certain smells of the outdoors. Flowers being one, the smell of the wind just before it rains, and the smell of fresh cut grass in the morning before it gets hot.
I'm looking forward to class being over and being able to sit outside and get drawn into a book for hours on end and leaving reality behind, for just a bit. I'm looking forward to spending time with my nieces and nephews at the local pool and laughing with them, learning more about them, and their wonderful perspective on things that I don't even notice.

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