Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Okay, so I am a HUGE movie fan. I like all kinds, from Pride & Prejudice to Batman Begins to Rocky to the Godfather.
They are my escape, my mini vacations.
On my birthday we went to 27 Dresses which I loved, and want to go to again, and soon!
If any of you have seen a movie with me, you know, I am not a quiet watcher. I laugh and cry and if needed, scream. I just get soaked into the movie, into the story, into the characters.
After the movie, Felicity, Kellee and I went to Leatherby's for ice-cream. On the way there we were talking about the movie. A thought occurred to me... I identified with the main character, however Kellee started the conversation by saying "I'm the slutty best friend!!! Minus the slutty part." (in kind of a disappointing tone, that was just met with laughter from both me and Felicity). I said I was kind of like the main character, and Felicity said she was kind of like the writer. I then realized that everyone identifies with someone in a movie (at least the good ones) in some way or another, even if it is just a quality in them, or a situation that they are in, or something that they may want to do.
I find this very interesting and would love to hear from any of you about movies that you have loved and the characters that you identify with!

1 comment:

Kellee said...

MINUS THE SLUTTY PART!! you forgot that