Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Annual Family Survivor

Every year my family does a "Survivor" competition of our own. Its usually around Labor Day, but this year my brother from ID is coming down to UT a little early so we moved it up. It is this Friday. I am very excited to spend some time with my siblings and their spouses, along with some "friendly" competition.
So, the deal is, we get together prior with the kids and everything and have dinner. My parents provide dinner and drinks through out the competition. It is approx. 10 challenges, we don't vote each other off and we all compete in all challenges. The challenges are mind challenges and physical challenges. My family is pretty competitive so it should be close as usual, however I have yet to win...
We also get to take one personal item to the "island" as well. This is something that I need help with. I can't think of something to take. Please let me know any and all suggestions!! (side note, one time my brother took live bugs to throw at the person actually performing the challenges to throw them off and distract them, making it harder to complete the challenge).
I will also post pictures and the results on Saturday! Thanks in advance!


Juls said...

Thats funny! I never knew that! You should take the garden hose or water balloons or shaving cream or something you can get people wet with but wont ruin anything. lol

LondonCalling said...

You should take your cell phone so you can text any of us if you need help!

Janessa said...

You've been tagged! You must list 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 current obsessions/collections ,and 3 surprising facts.