Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Update as Promised!

Okay, so where to start. I know its been a long time, but I am thankful to say that my grades paid off for all the studying that went into this semester. One more down... a few more to go. :)
I love my school and am so grateful to be able to attend and meet the people and have professors that care if you understand what they are teaching you. Many times I've had a professor stop a lecture and say I look confused. (which I guess I do a lot... maybe I should work on that. LOL)
Anyways, so far its been a great summer. I purchased a Lagoon season passport with my brother and his family. I've been to three midnight showings of movies, and going to another one tomorrow night. (I will try to write some reviews if anyone is interested)
Things in my personal life... well... hmmm... that seems to never change. I keep myself busy and bury myself in my hobbies and interests to keep my mind of the things that I am not doing. Still no dating, and its actually gotten to the point where I don't feel sad about it. Its been so long that I just can't see it happening, and strangely enough, it doesn't make me sad.
I'm doing so much to be the woman that I want to be that the being dependent on someone else and how that person feels about me is becoming less and less important to how I define myself and my social status. People still ask me why I'm not married, or why I'm not dating, and really I have no answer, other than to shrug my shoulders. I'm pursuing my life long goal and getting closer and closer as the months progress, and I just get excited. I'm trying to be a better friend to those around me. I'm trying to work on being happy as much as possible. I'm trying to be a better aunt, sister, sister-in-law, and daughter.
I'm content with where I am, but not content to stay as I am. I am looking forward to the things that are sure to come my way that will stretch the way that I see myself, and the capabilities that I feel I am lacking.

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