Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Pardon My Venting

I'm not really one to vent on my blog, however, I do this often in real life and it usually makes me feel a little better.
I'm feeling a lot of things today and am overall feeling... well... like I need to vent. So here goes....
I'm a people pleaser, I know this, and I've tried to keep it under control. However when I find myself lumped into a blog and am invited to no longer read it, I'm hurt. I feel like I have done something wrong, when this isn't the case, and it bothers me that someone, maybe even someone that I don't even know doesn't like me. I hate it when people don't like me, especially when they haven't even given me a chance. Its not very nice, and I don't appreciate it.
I keep trying to get myself to go to the gym, and once I'm there and running on the treadmill with P!nk blaring in my ears from my iPod I enjoy it. I'm one that loves my "me time" and I like how I feel. So why is it that I have such a hard time going??? I wake up late, stay up late, and have plans at night. I need to get my sorry butt out of bed and go so I don't hate the way I look when I see myself in the mirror.
I also want to do something with my hair, its bugging me! I swear I look the same no matter what I do with it, cut wise. I try to change the cut, and three days later looks like the same exact thing! UGH! I hate it!
One of my best friends at work just gave her notice, and I'm so sad about it, but so happy for her! She gets to stay home with her kids. I will miss her dearly!!! We talk fabric and patterns and go to lunch, when I can.
I think a good action flick, running and a girls night out may be in order!

1 comment:

fantastic funk said...

I'm guessing mine is the blog to which you are referring and I'm sorry that you thought that comment was directed toward you and that you were upset by it. You're welcome to read my blog, I only ask that you respect the fact that I want nothing to do with a certain mutual acquaintence. He does absolutely no good for my life and quite frankly I'm so much happier and better off without him. You seem like a really great person and I understand that your intentions are good. Thank you for when you've tried to help in the past. All I ask now is that you keep him out of my life. Thanks :)