Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day

Can I just say how much I love my TIVO?!?! Seriously the best invention ever made. Here I sit on a Monday waiting for my laundry to finish, cleaning my room and bathroom and watching the edited version of Underworld: Evolution. For some reason I am more productive at whatever I'm doing with a good action flick on. I clean more, do more laundry, as well as even sew faster (which I should be finishing the last purse for my friend Julia).
Today is Memorial Day and I met my family at the cemetery to place flowers on my Grandparents grave. I look forward to this day all year. I get to set aside to remember my Grandparents that I love and miss so much! Whenever I remember my Grandpa my heart aches to see him once again. He was truly a wonderful man that I have never heard an ill word spoken about. He was loving and generous and genuine. I would be happy if I was 1/4 of what he was.
I visited with my Uncle and his wife and daughter, with her new baby (so cute!!) I get to see them often, as they are theatre people like I am, and are always up for a play. Its so fun to see things with them, and I am hoping to get the chance again shortly.
I love days like today that are just laid back and I can do what I need to so I can feel sane again and ready for the week ahead. I also love and need my alone time, which I am able to get on these days. I'm so excited for my family BBQ tonight, nothing like gathering together as a family around an open flame roasting hot dogs and laughing together!
I guess I should get back to the laundry and cleaning that I still have. I hope everyone is having a good Memorial Day.

1 comment:

Juls said...

You mean get back to finishing my purse :)