Monday, September 24, 2007


She awoke to the smell of vanilla and spice that lingered in the air. Her hand still laid on the smooth skin of his chest. She moved her head and fingers to feel that he was real. She had dreamt of this for so long, she was reluctant to believe that he was truly there.
She opened her eyes, expecting to see only pillow and to awake from her dream, but there he was, she smiled at the thought that they were now man and wife. She leaned up on her elbow as to improve her point of view. She wanted to study every inch of his face, the stubble that had grown overnight on his chin, the way his eyes looked while he slept, The way that his mouth slightly curved into a smile. She wondered if he dreamt while he silently slumbered, if he thought of her as she thought of him. She could not keep the distance between them any longer, she moved silently, careful not move the sheets. She softly put her lips to his cheek, holding her them to his skin and breathing in the smell of his aftershave from the day before.
He stirred, sighing as he slowly opened his eyes. She moved slightly back to meet his gaze. She was surprised by the happiness that was expressed through his eyes, with no words spoken.
His hand was to her cheek before she even noticed it moving. He pulled her close, until their noses touched, his lip grazing hers, teasing. He paused, keeping her face there. He whispered "Your really here, this isn't a dream?" Astonished by his words she could not move her lips in reply, only nodding in accord. "I love you, my wife". She smiled at his sentiment as his lips crushed against hers with passion.

1 comment:

Juls said...

Man, this makes me want to be married! But too bad men arent really like that...