I don't know how to really start this post, but have felt it all day, actually for quite a few days. Ever since my friend Felicity treated me to The Civil War musical performed at The Hale Center Theatre. It was a great play and some of the people were amazing and the songs were so moving! Then on Sunday I proceeded to watch a movie I just purchased on DVD, Amazing Grace. This is an amazing movie about the abolition movement in England and the man that pushed for years and years to get his bill passed to stop the slave trade. So, there I was having seen two amazing shows about these huge issues, and people that fought for something that meant so much, to so many people. Hundreds of years later their lives are still discussed.
I have always been a private person, like to keep to myself, and keep my personal life, well just that, personal. Things I consider very sensitive I don't talk about, so its not that I want my name discussed, or written in books. However, my Grandpa Asay comes to mind when I think of these kinds of things. Small but significant life. I have heard this before, but can't recall where.
My Grandfather was an amazing man, everyone he encountered was touched by him in one way or another. He was not a proud man, and though himself ordinary. That is what made it so wonderful. He lived his life for others, always willing to help, and to do things for other people. My Dad as well is there when anyone needs him. He tries to help others whenever he can.
After watching these shows I have realized, I don't want a huge life, I want small, but significant. I want to help other where I can. I want to do something significant, something moving. Something out of my ordinary life.
I wake up and wonder what to wear that day, what cute shoes to put on. I have many to chose from. But I have shoes, I have clothes. I don't need to worry about if I can eat that day, its more, what should I eat today? I have a bed to sleep on, a warm house to sleep in, and to stay in when the weather is bad.
I just hope that someday I can make a difference, even if it is small.