Wednesday, March 5, 2008


As much as I would like to say I am like Elizabeth Bennet from Jane Austen's Pride & Prejudice, I am not. Of all the characters I have come across in my reading, movies, and watching television I would have to say I am most like Monica Gellar from Friends. I have neurotic tendencies with where things are supposed to be, and I'm a little competetive. However, I'm not a professional chef, and don't have a great NY apartment like Monica.
So I keep wondering, do I really need to find someone like Chandler Bing? They do fit nicely together, and his sense of humor is great with her obsessiveness. He's not a bad looker either! ;)
In my life right now, I keep wondering if I am doing everything I should be. If I am all that I could be? If there is a reason that I'm not married, and rarely, if ever, date. If there is something wrong with me? Then I try to remember that I like who I am, I have great friends that surround me. Even if I don't find my Chandler, I'm going to strive to be happy on my own, and happy with who I am, and what I am trying to do with my life.
Plus I'm lucky enough to have two great friends just like Rachel & Phoebe! Yeah, I'm talking about you Kellee & Julia! :) LOL

1 comment:

Juls said...

This is so true about you! You are totally Monica! I wouldnt believe it as much if I didnt live with you for so long. Thank you so much for coming to the temple on Friday night. I meant so much to me that you were able to come. I tried calling you yesterday but it went straight to vm then my phone died. But really, Thank you SO much for coming!!!