Friday, December 14, 2007

Movie Review: I Am Legend

First let me start by explaining that I am a movie person. I love movies, and go to them as often as possible.
My brother and I enjoy going to the midnight showing of the movies that we are looking forward to seeing, so I thought it would be fun to do little reviews of Last night was I Am Legend starring Will Smith.
Let me just assure you that I will not go into much of the premise, and will not give anything away (I don't enjoy when people do that to me...).
This movie takes place in a desolate New York. The scenery is very well done, and always has this eerie feeling. Will Smith is an incredible actor and in this picture, much like Cast Away with Tom Hanks, it is mostly Will Smith. The emotions portrayed by Will Smith makes you realize how alone he feels with this enemy lurking in the dark, not far away.
This is a very intense movie, a lot of jumping on my part occurred during the 2 hour flick. However, I enjoyed it, thoroughly. Will Smith again proves that he can act, and does it well.

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