So, I know I don't update this much, and I'm not really sure how many people read this. But, I was heading out of my class tonight and caught a glimpse of someone in a car that looked like a dear friend of mine. Someone I haven't been able to see or talk to for about a year. I keep seeing him places.
It made me think of a quote that I saw on a plaque once, "People come and go in your life, but true friends leave footprints behind."
I started to think of all the friends that have come into my life over the last few years. I have so many people that have left footprints in my heart and in my life. So many people that have influenced me and help give me strength throughout the days. I'm sure they don't even know how much they help me.
I have been threw some hardships in my life, but with the family and friends I have, I have a hard time complaining about them. I have a wonderful family and siblings that love me, and can joke around with me, and build me up to be a stronger person. They are family that in the hardest of times I can lean on. They are my rock, my foundation. I love them dearly.
I have some amazing friends. I would dare say some of the best on the planet! Felicity is like a sister. We have been friends for over half of my life now and I love that I can call her stressed out about school, and she is going through the same thing, if not harder. She is amazingly smart and a wonderful friend.
Julia was a roommate that turned into a very close friend. She is the Rachel in our little "Friends" group and I love her for it! She is someone that has seen me at my worst, from crying to yelling, to something in between. I still have a hard time getting ready for a date and not sending her a picture asking if I look alright. She started me on my obsession with purses (to go along with the shoe one I already had). I miss the late night runs to Sonic.
Kellee makes me laugh! She is our Phoebe, and yes there is someone actually like her! She says some of the most random things, and is carefree, and loves everything, especially animals. She is a friend that can take any and all of my venting, from work to school, to the crazy driver on the freeway in front of me. She can laugh at my being neurotic and is a hopeless romantic, firm in the idea that my Prince Charming is out there. She won't let me give up.
I have so many friends that I could go on and on about, I truly am blessed, but I don't want to bore anyone reading this so I will stop. But I will finish with the friend that started me thinking about this.
He was a friend that would just sit with me and watch tv while I studied, not needing to talk, not needing anything from me. Just sitting with me. Every now and then messing with the camera on my Mac (I still have a picture he took of himself that I can't erase). I remember a conversation we had just before he got married, it was almost a good bye conversation and I cried at losing him, but understood. I spoke with him periodically through out the years until he was deported. He called me to tell me that he was okay, and that he had made it to his country. The last time I spoke with him was right after the tsunami hit Samoa, where he is, and I was so glad to hear that he was okay. His wife is visiting as much as she can, and she really brings him so much join. I am so happy he has her in his life. For some reason I have seen him multiple times over the last few days and it worries me a bit. My heart goes out to him and his wife and I pray that both are safe.
I miss my friend dearly!!!