Sunday, May 9, 2010

Hello Blog... I've missed you!

Wow! That semester was... well... HARD!
I worked full time while going to school full time and no one really explains to you that not only is nursing text books hard to memorize and the tests are confusing and there are like 3 out of 4 right answers but you have to pick the MOST right, the paperwork is crazy! I had no idea I would have to do papers every two weeks that would take approx. 6-8 hours and have a night to do it. Anyways... I survived, and I pulled out a 3.2 for the semester! Now... only 2 more years!
But hey, it's summer! Time to celebrate!
So what have I done to celebrate?? Sew!!!! Oh, and fabric shopping! I've sewn two purses, so far and bought way more fabric than I should have. Oh, and I also signed up and took one knitting class with my friend Juls. I know, I sound like an eighty year old grandma and I'm only 31! However, I heard that knitting is very relaxing and I need to find something to do during the crazy semesters to keep my mind somewhat sane, so I'm going to be trying a lot of things this summer. Knitting, meditation, tai chi, and get back into yoga.
I forgot to take pictures of the purses I've sewn since school has been out prior to giving them to the people I sewed them for, but I will try to remember to post the summer projects that I finish.
Also I'm trying to spend time with my family and friends. I really feel like I've lost touch with a lot of people during this last semester. On the first day of classes we had an 8 hour nursing program orientation and one of my professor said that nursing school was like entering a convent... How true that feels! I know it will be worth it, and I will keep pushing through the next semesters, but for right now, I'm enjoying summer break!!!

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

Speaking of missing you, I've missed you! Let's play soon! Well, not too soon...I leave for Puerto Rico next Monday. Woot! But after that, i'm free when you are!